Surprise Bouquets

You pick the color, and our florists work their magic – creativity unleashed!

  • Happy Customers

    Happy Customers

    In Germany & Worldwide Since 1982

  • Same-Day Delivery

    Same-Day Delivery

    By Our Local Partner Florists

  • Every Bouquet Is Unique

    Every Bouquet Is Unique

    Created By Florist Experts

  • Secure 3D Payment

    Secure 3D Payment

    Many Safe Payment Options

  • Your Unique Bouquet, Directly From The Florist

    Although many florists have their loyal sources of fresh cut flowers - whether from garden centres or directly from the grower - it can happen that a certain type of flower or flower colour is not available at the moment. Therefore, we offer bouquet designs, directly from the florist's own pen.

    With these bouquets, you as the customer give the florist a free hand in the design and selection of flowers. A big advantage of these bouquets is that absolutely every bouquet is unique. Especially for you, bound by hand with love, there is no florist bouquet a second time.

  • Florist Designs Of The Highest Quality

    Especially when it comes to quality, the original florist bouquets will really come into their own. If you order a surprise bouquet, you can be sure that the florist will tie together the freshest and most beautiful cut flowers available in the florist's shop.

    Moreover, with these products, the florist can give free rein to his creativity and craftsmanship. The result? A beautiful bouquet tied together to form a unique piece, with the freshest flowers. Order a surprise bouquet and you will receive a unique piece. Same-day delivery? No problem for our florists!

  • The Most Beautiful Flowers Hand-tied Into A Unique Bouquet

    We can guarantee that our florists will select the most beautiful and freshest flowers for each order. In addition, the florist's complete creative freedom is incorporated into your bouquet, as there are no strict design guidelines.

    This is how the florist's craftsmanship really comes into its own, as he can surprise you with an original florist design that bears the unique signature of your local florist. Surprise your loved ones with a unique bouquet of flowers, guaranteed to be bound just for them.

  • Support Your Local Florist With A Surprise Bouquet

    Especially in times of Corona, our florists are always confronted with bottlenecks in the delivery of cut flowers. This makes it difficult for our florists to offer the full range of flower varieties and colours. But that does not mean that the bouquet will be any less original!

    On the contrary, the florist will use locally available flowers to create a beautifully fresh bouquet especially for you. By ordering an original florist's design, you are also supporting the florist's craft, because the florist can take orders despite these delivery bottlenecks.